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Well fancy meeting you here! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was jam-packed with fun and some actual productivity. How about that? After a quick round of tennis on Friday after work, Derek and I weren’t feeling like doing much, aside from relaxing and resting up for our 6 a.m. 5K wake up call. Come Saturday morning, this proved to be a smart decision – I’ll attribute the laid-back evening to Derek’s 1st place finish in his age group!



Just as cool as Derek’s 1st place finish was his mom’s 7th place finish amongst all survivors. She’s pretty spectacular in more ways than one! And in 3rd place on the coolness spectrum is my 2nd place in my age group finish. I’ll take what I can get 😉 This race was a bit slower for me than last week’s race – 16 seconds slower to be exact – but it felt a whole lot worse than that. I’ll attribute the bad feelings to the heat (the race started 30 minutes behind schedule which made a difference heat-wise here in sunny FL), and leave it at that.

After the race on Saturday, Derek and I ran a few necessary errands, which included stopping by a farmer’s market near the neighborhood. I’m not sure if gords are typically referred to as pretty, but I feel like these were as pretty as it gets.


In addition to those hot gords up there, we picked up several bags of fresh veggies for the week ahead. We took an hour out of our day on Saturday to cut veggies, make quinoa and bake chicken for the week ahead.


Derek also made some killer guacamole.


We spent Saturday afternoon watching football and hanging by the pool with some friends. We headed over to my favorite, Ciccio’s, with a group of 6 for dinner on Saturday and I shocked myself by ordering something other than a glass of red. I got a Mojito. I’m wild, we all know it.


Throw in some dog sitting and some ice cream and that’s basically all that happened Saturday night-Sunday morning. And then came our scheduled 6 mile run. I was definitely having mixed emotions while lacing up my shoes for the run, but once things got started my attitude changed for the better and the run was as enjoyable as can be. I took a picture for you guys to show off my mad photography skills. No, I didn’t cut Derek’s head off. He’s just a cyclopse and we’d appreciate it if you didn’t judge him for it.


We were glad to have that distance under our belt, especially since we haven’t run that far outdoors since our 15K in February. Each week our “long” runs feel a little easier, and I’m excited for the day when I don’t think twice about 6 miles. Cross your fingers that that day will ever come!

Obviously 6 miles needs proper refueling. Derek’s mom’s invite to brunch was the best news I could receive.



6 miles

And Sunday evening ended the way all Sunday evenings should: spaghetti with family, a Broncos win, and 3

All in all it was a great few days, and I can definitely sense a dramatic increase in my appreciation for the weekend. I hope you all have a happy and healthy week and a superb Monday!